Sunday, June 24, 2012

Open ended straight flush draws, played passively!?

This post is going to be a different way to play your monster drawing hands, such as the open ended straight flush. Normally most people see a huge draw like this and want to push the action right away. Not saying there is anything wrong with this, but I want to talk about one situation where you can disguise your hand and ultimately be more profitable.

First off this situation is going to play out much easier if you have position in the hand! This can be used in multiple spots, so for this example we will say you called a raise pre-flop by a pretty tight player in position. You take a flop with the 6 7 of diamonds. Flop comes out 4d 5d x. Now you have someone betting into you.You know his opening range and c-bet range is premium hands. He makes a standard c-bet, now this is where I think you will extract max value from this hand and not risk losing a huge pot, (although you are favored on this board against the likely over pair). You need to flat here! Why? For multiple reasons. 1 he is almost 100 percent of the time calling your 3-bet or all in, or he will 4 bet all in with an over pair. 2 it will give you a clear indication if he has AK, and gives up on the turn most likely. 3 and this is the best spot, you turn the nut straight and he leads into you again. By flatting once more, you are more than likely making him think "this guy must be on a flush draw!". If a blank falls on the river, he will ignore the straight on board, most of the time. This means there is a very good chance he leads again, or he will check to you. Now you can get as tricky as you want if he finally checked to you. You can make the over sized bet to make it look like you missed your flush and there's a good chance he will call with the over pair.

Remember this scenario is having everything work for you and you not missing your draw. The two good things if you do miss your draw by playing this hand this way. You are not broke, or out of the tournament, and you can still evaluate and decide if you can bluff him on the river if you miss.

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